Return + Exchanges:
Yes, if you wish to cancel your order, please request the cancellation within 24 hours of placing the order, provided it has not yet been dispatched. Our dispatch process occurs promptly, often on the same day as the order is placed. For cancellation requests, please contact our sales team at for approval. You may not cancel for a refund after goods are dispatched. Change of mind policy applies thereafter.
Please note: cancellations are not available for trade orders.
If you change your mind, we may offer a one-time exchange provided you advise us within 7 days. You are welcome to change your order to any in-stock item of equal or higher value if the order has not been dispatched. This excludes custom orders or trade orders.
Order changes are not permitted to back-ordered or pre-purchased items awaiting dispatch.
The return of the product(s) must be made within 14 days from the date you received the order and you are able to provide satisfactory proof of purchase.
To be eligible for an exchange, the product must:
- be returned to our warehouse in original packaging and condition, including protective packaging such as the carton the product arrived in
- free from any damages or modifications to the original condition
Any returns without original box packaging will be denied. We recommend taking photos of the products in original condition prior to scheduling a return with our delivery partners. You will be responsible for the return shipping cost, and the cost of delivery for the new item.
Fees that will be deducted from the eligible exchange amount:
- Return shipping costs
- Delivery of new items
Our warehouse team will assess the product(s) once they are returned. The delivery cost of the new items will be calculated once the new selection is confirmed.
Please note: all clearance items do not quality for returns as they are on final sale.
All items in the Clearance collection are on final sale, with no exchanges or refunds.
Within the warranty period, if a manufacturing defect is present, we will replace or fix the item(s). If a remedy is not possible, a refund for damaged goods will be offered.
Please note: if you received damaged goods as a result of a manufacturing defect, we must be advised within 7 days of receiving the product. We endeavour to inspect all goods prior to dispatch.
Once the sales team has approved your exchange, please place the item back into its original packaging, take a photo and send it to
Kindly advise a preferred date for collection and we will arrange a pick up from your address.
You will receive an email from our freight partner to select a suitable date and time for collection. Return labels and instructions on how to attach to the box will be sent via email - please action prior to your pick up date.
Shipping costs are non-refundable unless there is a manufacturing defect with a product. If an order is purchased during a 'free shipping' promotion and the customer wishes to exchange based on change of mind, the return shipping cost and new delivery charge must be paid prior to dispatch.
- Sale items and display/floor stock products are final.
- Exchanges are not available for clearance items
- Clearance items are new condition and feature standard warranty
- If noted floor stock, minor defects or visual imperfections may be present. For any further questions, email
- Trade customers: free shipping is not valid together with any trade discount.
- Promotion not valid with any other discount codes.
- Promotions are only valid for new website orders and do not apply to existing or dispatched orders.
- 15% off site-wide
- applicable to new online orders only
- prices on website are final
- cannot be used in conjunction with other offers
- ends Tuesday 3rd of December